Saturday, May 12, 2018

Alley, Pride

Be Proud of your alley, if you have one.  I have been peeking in on this alley on Whitlock Avenue off and on over a dozen years.  On the northside is Theater of the Square and on the right is Dupre’s.  Each time I look, whoever it is, has added something or took something away.  Sometimes it is Christmas lights, sometimes some other kind of lights. 

Usually one thinks of alley dwellers as a drunk curled up hugging a bottle off wine.  In this alley you may see somebody jiggling a glass of wine during intermission chatting with another yuppie about the symbolism of the play they are watching, but no bottle hugging.

Which reminds me when I worked at the Federal Annex Atlanta Post Office I had to be at midnight and had a short cut of going through an alley by the old closed down gawky-designed Atlanta Train Terminal.  Sometimes I would see drunks hugging their bottles and lying down asleep.  I marveled at a distinguished looking gentlemen who always had a fine wine bottle or if he was drinking hard stuff it would be up there in taste, such as Johnny Walker Black.  One morning walking back to my car, down the alley, when I came upon where the refined gentlemen was sitting on a step drinking his fine drink, I looked to see if he cleaned up his empty bottle or whatever.  The only thing he left was a turd.

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