Wednesday, September 12, 2018

First Methodist Cemetery, Franklin, NC

This is the tombstone of my ancestor William Trammell (1752-1843).  He was a Revolutionary soldier (on our side) and had an arm slicked off during the Battle of Kings Mountain.

My late distant cousin that lived in Franklin, North Carolina, mailed me and said she thinks she found his grave at the 1st Methodist  in Franklin.  My two boys, under age 12, paid her a visit and we went to visit the grave.  It among other graves was under the shade of a huge tree and we could not read the inscription of the tombstone she thought to be William’s.  We decided to go to the local K-Mart and buy some art paper and crayons and “rub” it, then we could read the rubbing.
We went to K-Mark and bought the supplies we needed.  While out we decided to eat lunch at the Burger King across the street from K-Mart.

When we return to the cemetery in the parking lot it looked like it was glowing in the shade.  It radiated a bright color.  What had happened the sun shifted some, about 60 minutes worth, which caused a sunshine beam hit some cars windows in the parking, which the beam bounced from the car window to the tombstone in question.
We could read every word.

Sometimes I think I find my information my divine intervention, like it was meant for me to find it.


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