Thursday, March 15, 2018


Bridgett was a long time friend.  She and Anna were co-workers for many years.   She was always busy doing something creative, being a volunteer,  or busy helping a friend.  She was almost hyper.  She was something of a mathematical genius too.  Bridgett was born in Germany, in the early 1940s, needless to say a Swastika is on her birth certificate.  She also did her math calculating aloud in Deutsche.

In the mid 70s  Anna and I went to Kennesaw Junior College.  Also, the same time Bridgette and her husband Bill went to the same classes.  Bill and I couldn't keep our mind on taking notes during  lectures but thankfully Anna and Bridgette did. 
Bill died which left Bridgette to defend for herself.  She did very well.

Until one day she was at her doctor's office and the doctor picked up that something was wrong, she was making too many wrong statements.

She never got to return to see her home.
She had Alzheimer's.

They first put her in Emory Hospital for a study and then in a memory unit in a nursing home in Woodstock.

We visited her about five or six times at the nursing home.  The first couple of visits she told us it was all a big mistake, now she needed us to carry her back home.   It was heart breaking to tell her no.

Then, as time went on, she wasn't sure who we were.  Then she didn't know us at all.  We were strangers.

And our last visit she was docile.  She just sit and smiled and said, "OK" to everything we said.  I think she may have forgot her English, or any language.

And she died, not knowing a thing about herself, family, friends, or anything.



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