Saturday, October 29, 2005


We went to see the movie MARCH OF THE PENGUINS at the dollar theater yesterday. It was made by National Geographic. It thought it was excellent. It follows a big bunch of penguins over a year's cycle. It follows their courtship and mating habits, laying the egg, caring for the egg, getting food, raising their young, and after a years time go through the same process again. They are very much a part of nature but it is nature that is very destructive towards their survival. As far as caring for the young, the female and male are constantly swapping roles. It appeared (to me anyway) that there is not a leader, they just do what they do because of instinct. They have very little violence among themselves.... two females may have a gentle slapping match over a potential male mate - there are more females than they are males. And they are so passive on occassions a hawk-like something that must belong to the duck family swoops in and walks around to pick out a juicy little babe to gobble up, in front of the penguins, and they just stand by and watch it. What do you call a big bunch of penguins? Colony? Flock? chickens?


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