Friday, January 04, 2013

My Weight Control App

Have you noticed that when you walk into a big store in January of any year exercise, weight control, and file management items are all arranged to grab your attention.  They know what your New Years Resolutions are and they want a peice of the action, so to speak.

When I woke up January the first, right after I emptied my bladder I weighed and recorded it.

Then I brought up an app on my i-pad on exercise and and eating.  I found out from experience any time I want to lose weight I need to vow to myself that I am going to record everything I eat.

And, being the lazy sort of person I am, I don't like to record much, so if I am honest with myself, I don't record it because I don't eat it.  And, beleive it or not I start shedding weight.

This free app  is named MY FITNESS PAL.  I think if you are honest with it you will lose weight.  I has a weight section to record your weight as often as you feel you need to.  Weight Watchers beleive weekly is good.  I like to do mine daily unless I pigged out, then I skip a couple of days to catch up with myself.  It also has a section for exercsie, you record any type of exercise you do and it calculates how many calories you burned and allows you that much more intake of calories per day.

I forgot to mention, it asks what are your goals, how much you want to lose by when.  Then it suggests how much calorie intake a day you need to have you lose it.  And it keeps a running total daily just how well you are doing.  It also has nutrition facts such as how much protein, carbs, etc, that you intaking but honestly, I haven't paid those numbers any attention.  I am a bottom line kind of person.


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