Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Fowl Houdini

A mother of a friend of mine died this week.  She would have been 100 years old in June.

I remember about a year ago the doctors beleived she only had a few days to live.  Hospice took over and she lived and lived.  After weeks of living under hospice care and not dying they sent her home.  Back home she returned to her diet of Dr. Peppers and lived another year.

I remember when we were teenagers she just didn't completely trust us.  Each time we returned from someplace she would question us on details.  She was afraid we were going to lead her son astray.   Wait!  It was the other way around, he led us astray.  He got us all smoking.  I remember he smoked Lucky Strikes.

My friend married his second wife and moved to south Georgia.  His bride had a house and property already.  There, in the rural countryside he decided he would raise some chickens.  He is a pretty good builder.  He built a chicken house and surrounded it with a fence that was escape proof, so he thought.

After he got the chickens there was one that would just not stay in the fence.  Everytime the chicken got out of the fence it made my friend very mad, and made the fence more escape proof.  But the chicken would find a way and get out again.  When I saw him more often I would ask him is that one chicken still getting out and that would throw him into a rage of cursing.  He hated that chicken but was not about to kill it and have him for dinner.     It had too much personality.

Today at the funeral home I plan to ask him about that chicken.


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