Sunday, January 20, 2013

General U.S. Grant On Jeff Davis

I am reading the book KILLING LINCOLN by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dogard.

The book is bringing up all sorts of interesting trivia about the Civil  War.  For example General Grant's horse was named Jeff Davis.  I would think Grant took pleasure in jabbing Jeff Davis with his spurs whenever he got a notion.

It is not the only time an animal has been given the name of someone the owner knows.

It reminds me of a bank executive of the First National Bank of Marietta, many years ago retired and bought a farm in north Georgia.  He bought several cows and named them after certain female employees at the bank. 

After he made improvements of the farm he bought he invited the lady employees he worked with up for lunch.  They came and he showed them around the farm.  He introduced them to his cows; their namesakes.

One of the ladies asked who milked the cows and he said that he did and with a crooked smile said he enjoyed every minute of it.

One of the ladies said she felt "violated".



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