Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Little Officer Mac

This is my friend and ex-coworker Mac.  This was taken July 4th,  2004.  We are both retired .  I ran into him at the post office the other day (almost 14 years later) and he looks exactly the same. 

Mac has his eccentric ways.  One time someone brought donuts in from Duncan Donuts.  She was  not sure what to get, so she one bought one of every flavor.  Mac could not decide which one he wanted, so he took a bite out of each one…. Which stirred everybody up.

Mac is a highly decorated military officer.  He was an officer involved in the capture of Panama’s Noreiga.

He kept up his status in the reserves, which he was an officer, of course.  Once I was on break in the break room and a vending machine man was there filling the machines with goodies.  Mac walked by the door and recognized the vender.  He, at the time, was in his reserve unit.  Mac walked in and greeted the guy, and the guy almost snapped to attention.  He addressed Mac as “sir”. And was carried away with the fact he got a one on one with a hero and an officer in his unit..

Then another “Mac” , our supervisor walked by the door and saw Mac talking to the vending machine man.  Mac ruefully told Little Officer Mac he was on the clock, get back to work.
I think that was a downer for worker/officer Mac’s underling.

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