Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Glover Street, 2008

This was a little French eatery on Glover Street, now it is a barbecue restaurant The Blue-Freckled.  We met one of Anna-s ex-coworkers the late Kim Russell here for lunch.

the late Kim Russell.  Her kidney transplant didn't work.

Glover Street was my preteen hangout. I lived around the corner on Manget Street from 1947 to 1954.  The above was the Thurmon - Wilbur house.  It appears this is the only living residence on the street now.

The Rich house.  one time a bunch of teenagers hanging out in the side yard of this house sic a mentally challenged kid, also name Eddie, onto me.  He came at me swinging, leaving his face unprotected.  I slugged him and bloodied his nose.  He ran to his grandparents crying..   I ran home.  His sister came up wanting to know who broke Eddie's nose, she wanted to have me arrested.  Nothing happened.  A year or so later we were playing in the loft of Eddie's grandfather's barn and one of my "friends" reminded Eddie that I bloodied his nose.  Suddenly he jumped on top of me and started choking me.  I could not breath.  Then, I think my guardian angel stepped up.  The plywood loft floor was not nailed down, our scuffling wiggled the wide board away from its rafter and gently tilted throwing us off  like a dump truck.  I hit the barn's floor running. 
I heard  at a Bell Reunion about 10 ago Eddie is in prison for murder.  Really!  Whew!

The Hester house.  I ran around with the son Tony Hester.  He had two younger sisters.  There was a gully in front of my house, which  in Larry Park, which is behind Tony's house.  Small tall trees lined the top of the gully on both sides.  Playing alone I found I could climb up one of the trees, getting it swinging back and forth and when it swung so far over I could grab another small tree and let go of the first one and let it spring-swing away and I would climb the second three.  I thought it was a neat accomplishment and wanted to show off.  I got my friends Tony Hester and Gene Sanges and maybe Jerry Chastain to show them.  The last thing I remembered was reaching the top of the first tree.  What I don't remember was the top of the tree breaking with my weigh and down I fell.  Also I don't remember being knocked out cold and my friends did not believe me, they thought I was pretending.  Tony went and got his wagon and they put me in it  then pulled me Tony's back yard.  Tony two sisters were playing in the yard.  They told me they were going to take my clothes off in front of the two little girls.  They felt I would jump up and prevent from doing that.  I didn't.  Then they thought I was dead.  They put me back in the wagon and pulled me home.  No one was home, so they put me in my bed.  I don't remember what kind of fit my parents had. 


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